Fasthosts is committed to providing the highest standard of customer service to all our customers. However, in the unlikely event of a problem or complaint, we will do everything possible to ensure it is dealt with quickly and fairly.
If you are not a Fasthosts customer and have a complaint relating to any third party (for example relating to the content of a website hosted by a Fasthosts customer). Our customer support agents will be unable to assist you directly.
Please send details of your issue or query to our misuse team
You can raise a complaint via the 'Submit a Question' form available via the Contact Us link on your control panel.
Log into the support section of your Control Panel
You should expect to receive a response to your query within seven working days of us receiving your correspondence.
Click on 'Contact Us'. This will open the contact form.
In the section of the form marked 'Question' please include details of your complaint, to enable us to deal with your complaint more effectively, please provide as much detail as possible, please also include a daytime contact number in your request, as one of our Managers will need to contact you to discuss your complaint.
On the Product drop down menu, please select 'Your Account'.
On the Category drop down menu, please select 'Raise a Complaint'.
Click on the 'Continue' button, which will submit your complaint. You will receive a unique reference number on submission of this request, please keep a note of this number for your records.
Please contact us on 0844 583 0777 and speak to someone from the department you feel is most relevant to your complaint, technical support, billing, sales etc. If our Support agents are unable to resolve your complaint, they will refer your complaint directly to their manager. Upon receipt of your complaint, the relevant manager will investigate the complaint and contact you directly, alternatively we may arrange for one of our Customer Relations Managers to contact you if the departmental manager is not readily available.
We can also be contacted in writing, at the address below:
Fasthosts Customer Care
2 Cathedral Walk,
The Forum,
United Kingdom
Please include your account number and as much detail as possible in your request, so we can fully investigate your concerns before contacting you.
If you feel we have been unfair or unreasonable in addressing your concerns, you can ask for your complaint to be referred to our Customer Service Manager for further review.