Servers A guide to XAMPP An important part of web development is in testing. A developer could code what they think is a beautiful and functional web application, but once it gets handed over for... read more
Servers REST vs SOAP web services When it comes to building APIs and web services there are two main contenders: * REST - Representational State Transfer * SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol What is REST web service?... read more
Digital Will AI replace humans? Artificial intelligence or AI is touted as one of the hottest tech trends. Huge investment is predicted as AI comes to the forefront of how we think about our relationship... read more
Cloud The best platform for hosting resellers? Cloud computing has a huge range of practical uses. With the latest web hosting technology, you can build and manage pretty much any online project you can imagine. An obvious... read more
Servers What is an API? In our technologically driven world, not a day goes by where we're not scrolling away on our phone's apps or surfing all corners of the web.... read more
Websites A history of HTML5 and how it works HTML made a transition into HTML5 way back in 2008. While it took several years to roll out, what came with it was a whole host of benefits from cleaner... read more
Websites PHP 7 performance improvements NEW: Learn more about moving to PHP 8 []. On November 28th 2019, Zend Technologies released PHP 7, an overhaul of PHP 5.6... read more
Cloud NGINX vs Apache Your web server responds to client requests and delivers web content through the internet to the user’s browser, making it crucial for any website or VPS project. Your chosen... read more
Security How to upgrade your version of PHP If you’re running websites with an out-of-date version of PHP, we recommend that you upgrade to PHP 8 or beyond. A newer version is more likely to be protected... read more
Servers How to deal with noisy neighbours Thumping bass, deafening TV, barking dogs and all-night shouting matches. If you’ve ever had loud, disruptive residents on your street or in your block of flats, you’ll be... read more
Websites How PHP powers WordPress With over 60 million websites and counting, WordPress is a monumentally popular choice when it comes to content management. Open source, simple to learn and highly customisable, it’s easy... read more
Websites Why build your own website? A 2015 study from Redshift Research found that 59% of small businesses don’t have their own website. Among respondents’ reasons for not running a website were cost, time, and... read more
Digital Progressive Web Apps: best of the web in an app The humble webpage has traditionally had a rough time on phones and tablets. Ever since the release of a certain fruit-related device in 2007 and the subsequent smartphone explosion, the... read more