Servers Everything you need to know about Windows VPS One of the most important decisions you’ll make for your virtual private server (VPS) is choosing your operating system (OS). This will define how you interact with, manage and... read more
Servers Your guide to VPS hosting If you’re considering a virtual private server (VPS) as your next hosting platform then you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find a definitive guide that scratches... read more
Servers Boost your business with a faster VPS Big projects, expansive websites and demanding programmes require the right level of hosting to perform as intended. For that, you might have called upon the powerful capabilities of a virtual... read more
Servers What is a bare metal hypervisor? Bare Metal Servers offer the power of a dedicated server with the flexible networking capabilities and pay-as-you-use billing of cloud hosting. This combination makes bare metal a winning choice for... read more
Digital The next generation of VPS Something big has arrived with our Virtual Private Servers (VPS). And it means huge things for your projects and businesses. A brand new range of VPS is here, bringing more... read more
Servers Smooth moves – how to migrate from web hosting to VPS If you're thinking about making the move from web hosting to a virtual private server (VPS), get excited! Your website is about to be supercharged by the next... read more
Websites Domain done? Make it count with reliable web & email hosting Welcome to the club! Your shiny new domain is puts you on the right track to improving online visibility, boosting web traffic and more customer queries. But don’t go... read more
Servers SSH vs SSL: What's the difference? Apart from the one letter distinguishing SSH from SSL, what other differences are there between the two? Overall, SSH and SSL have quite a few similarities. Both are technologies designed... read more
Servers Why choose unmanaged VPS? Many website owners opt for shared web hosting initially as it offers solid performance at a low cost, ideal for new websites. Shared hosting refers to multiple websites being hosted... read more
Guides How to install an SSL certificate on a VPS If you want to boost the legitimacy and trustworthiness of your website while improving SEO rankings, you need to install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. Having an SSL certificate... read more
Servers 5 times servers were snowed under at Christmas Christmas meltdowns – they happen to the best of us. And without the right provision and preparation, they can hit your website too. It often comes down to 3 things – your... read more
Gaming Why choose a VPS for gaming? It’s more popular than ever for gamers to host their gaming servers on virtual private servers, cloud servers, or even on a dedicated server. That’s because having your... read more
Servers Our jargon busting guide New to the world of hosting, servers and domains? Google is great, but when it comes to techie terms, a quick search can make things even more confusing. Definitions tend... read more