Business Keep it professional – the art of separating work from home Starting a new business is an exciting venture, so you want to make sure you’re able to put as much time as you can into it. There’s so... read more
Business Why you should jump on the BNPL trend In recent years, when the dreaded cost-of-living-crisis has reached an all time high and the after effects of various lockdowns are still impacting daily life, the way we shop has... read more
Servers Our jargon busting guide New to the world of hosting, servers and domains? Google is great, but when it comes to techie terms, a quick search can make things even more confusing. Definitions tend... read more
Business What's the secret behind successful marketing? Creating an effective digital marketing strategy is kind of like baking a loaf of bread from scratch. You can source the best ingredients from the finest suppliers, but if you... read more
Websites 7 ways to give your website traffic a boost So you think your website is pretty great? Your landing page presents a clear customer journey, the design is dynamic and quick to load, and your blog content is tailored... read more
Business Why become a Fasthosts Partner? We all know that teamwork makes the dream work, right? But when you run a business, your team extends far beyond just the people in your office. It’s the... read more
Digital Iconically 25: 8 things sharing our 25th birthday Exciting things are happening for us this year – we’re turning 25! In 1998, our founder Andrew Michael decided there wasn’t a cost-effective, reliable hosting service to support his... read more
Business 5 marketing trends to watch out for this autumn The leaves are turning orange, the air’s getting chillier, and every hot beverage tastes like pumpkin spice. It must be time to give your marketing strategy an autumnal refresh.... read more
Business What is PPC and why do I need it? Bagging the top spot on the Google results page is like completing a Rubik’s Cube in 3.12 seconds – both challenging and rewarding. As a small business owner, you’... read more
Digital Everything you need to know about Threads We’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is, there’s another social media platform you can use to help boost your brand. The bad news, there&... read more
Websites 5 reasons to use Ecommerce Website Builder Setting up your own online shop can be a stressful and daunting process. You may turn to sites like Etsy or eBay to get you started, not knowing how to... read more
Security Hiding in the shadows – What is Shadow IT? When you hear the term ‘Shadow IT’, you might think of a hacker in a dark room with some eerie music in the background. The truth is much less sinister.... read more
Business How to perfect business emails A good first impression As a business owner, you’ll know that a good first impression is vital to building trust with your customers. This can come in many different... read more