Welcome to our series, 'Meet the entrepreneur', where we sit down with founders, CEOs and the like and get to know the person behind the business.

This week’s amazing business owner is Becks Perfect the founder of StudioSidechain.

Q: Tell us a bit about the business.

Becks: The Sidechain helps you future-proof your business with cutting-edge education and practical application in emerging technologies such as AI and Web3.

Q: What song would you play on a Monday morning to get you through the Monday blues?

Becks: The Wannadies - You and Me. As a child of the 80s and 90s, I always revert back to music from then for nostalgia and I have always found it the most motivating. This song, from The Romeo and Juliet film soundtrack, always gets my heart rate up and puts a smile on my face.

Q: What do you do to stay ProActive (please excuse the pun) when times are hard as a business owner?

Becks: I’m ever the optimist, so whenever times are hard I know better times are just around the corner. A positive outlook is always super important. Also, I’m a constant problem solver, so if something isn’t going right, you’ll always see me searching for a solution in one way or another. That might be calling my network to see if someone can assist or thinking about how the business could pivot if necessary.

Q: What is your best IT infrastructure advice to other entrepreneurs when getting their business started?

Becks: Plan for scalability and flexibility. Know that your business will evolve and grow and your IT infrastructure needs to be able to do that too (without disrupting your business too much!). You should think about systems and services that can be easily expanded and upgraded, such as scalable cloud storage solutions, and always keep a note of the processes in your business playbook so that any of your team members can help manage this and it’s not all left up to you.

Q: What are your biggest challenges as a business owner and how have you overcome them?

Becks: Building a team. It has been the biggest challenge (particularly when you’re literally starting from scratch with no budget) but it IS your biggest asset. The challenge of juggling everything is really difficult and often it can stunt your business growth. But when you bring on board the correct experts in their fields they make all the difference and you can focus on the things you do really well as a Founder, which is to drive your original vision and for your team to help you execute that vision.

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Laura Wilson

Laura Wilson

Content Editor

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