Websites Five tips for choosing the right web host When the internet was first starting out in 1969, there were only four web hosts. Now there are 1.2 billion registered host names worldwide. But with industry growth comes... read more
The Top Nostalgic Websites of the 90s and 00s The online and digital world has grown and improved enormously over the last couple of decades. For example, we no longer have the dreaded dial up noise when connecting to... read more
Business Which UK locations are best for new businesses? Have you ever wondered where the best places are in the UK to set up a new business? Well we've analysed average download speeds, business launch and closure... read more
Security Cyber security tips for Brits this summer With the UK lifting lockdown restrictions, trips abroad are back on the agenda. So there’s no better time to offer a reminder about the dangers posed by holiday hackers.... read more
Servers 10 reasons to consider a virtual private server (VPS) When building a website, there's a lot to consider. There’s the design of course, plus any special features and functionality – and what many people forget – how to... read more
The future of the internet The internet truly is incredible, and it continues to develop and improve every year. But what does the future hold for the internet? And how will our lives be impacted?... read more
Business The benefits of voice search for businesses We’ve all heard of voice search technology, and there’s a strong chance you’ve even used it. It’s projected to have an imminent impact, with forecasted figures... read more
Security How to keep your children safe online While a return to schools might mean children are spending less time attached to computers and devices, the last year of virtual home schooling has fast-tracked a lot of youngsters’... read more
Websites Need for speed: Slow loading websites cost retailers nearly £60bn in lost sales each year A speedy website is a vital part of providing a positive user experience online. As technology progresses, user expectations grow, and their tolerance for slow or sloppy websites diminishes. In... read more
Security Five ways to ensure cyber security in 2021 A key element of cyber security is the safeguarding of your business and customer data against unauthorised users. This is also a crucial step in delivering a secure and trusted... read more
Business Showrooming and webrooming ‘Online shopping is killing the high street’ – an idea that’s repeated so often, it’s almost universally accepted as the truth. But is this an accurate statement? A casual... read more
Cloud What is cloud gaming and is it the future? It didn’t take long for video games to become a huge cultural force. Now worth roughly double the film industry, gaming is massive – and by its very nature, it... read more
Servers Windows Server 2019 — Server Core vs. Desktop Experience (GUI) When deploying your Windows server, you can choose either Server with Desktop Experience or Server Core. Read on to find out which one of these is right for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... read more