If you're looking to migrate your VPS from another provider, it could seem like a daunting, overwhelming process. But don’t worry! We’re here to reassure you that it’s definitely not. Here are 10 steps you can take, with our help, to migrate your VPS without disaster.

Step 1 – PHP compatibility

Before migration begins, you need to make sure that your PHP version is compatible with the new host. If your scripting language is incompatible or outdated, you’ll probably see issues with your website, and in some cases it may fail to load completely.

Step 2 – MySQL/MariaDB compatibility

Check the version of MySQL/MariaDB that you’re using, as it needs to be compatible with your new host. If not you could face major issues when migrating.

Step 3 – choosing a host

There’s a few things you should look out for when choosing your new host. Ask yourself, what features are important to you, and what are you currently missing? 

Make sure your new host covers everything your previous host lacked, otherwise the migration won’t benefit your VPS.

Step 4 – backup your site

Making a copy of your site is vital, so that if the worst should happen and something goes wrong during migration. 

To do this, you need to:

  • Connect to your site server via FTP
  • Go to the folder on your server that contains your website files
  • Download your backup files
  • Store it somewhere secure

Step 5 – backup your database

After making a copy of the site, you’ll need to do the same for your database. There’s a couple of different ways to do this.

If your host is using cPanel

Many sites use cPanel, as it’s a safe way of backing up your database. In the Control Panel, use the ‘download a MySQL Database backup’ function. A *.gz file will be downloaded with a full backup on your device.

If your host is using phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a free administration tool that can be used to backup your database and has several methods, all with different output formats. 

Step 6 – upload

Before editing your files, you’ll need to upload the FTP files to your new hosting provider. 

Step 7 – create and import

Create a new SQL database with your new host so you can import your backups and get everything up and running again.

Step 8 – edit

Update the database connection details to match your new server database details. The file that needs updating will vary depending on the CMS that you’re using.

Step 9 – test

You can test if your domain is working before making DNS changes by using your local host file to tell your device to hook up to an IP address that you’ve chosen. This means you’ve bypassed the DNS and can see your website in testing, development and migration periods without changing DNS.

Step 10 – configure

The final step in migrating your VPS is making sure your DNS is updated and pointing to your new host. Your DNS tells your registrar where to put your URL, so if you’re moving servers then you’ll need to change your DNS. 

If you’re moving everything including your domain registration, then you’ll need to update your nameservers, which you’ll be able to get from your new host. 

However, if it’s only web traffic that you’re moving, then you may only need to change A records so that your email and other services remain untouched.

Need a hand?

If this all still seems overwhelming, or if you’re still left with questions, get in touch. Our team of experts will be happy to help you and answer any queries you may have. Give us a call on 0800 0612 153 or message via live chat.