Welcome to the club! Your shiny new domain has set you on the right track to improving online visibility, boosting web traffic, and attracting the attention of more customers. 

But don’t go popping the champagne just yet. There’s a difference between getting online, and thriving online. We’re here to help close the gap. 

Why web hosting?

If your domain name lets you talk “the talk”, then your web hosting provider helps you walk “the walk”. But just how smooth that walk is depends on the deal you go for.

For a brand new business that’s just flying the nest, you’ll want a reliable package that helps you make a good first impression. While you can do this for free, for long-term success we recommend putting your money where your mouth is. Whatever route you decide to take, look out for the following features… 


This is the percentage of time your website is working and available to access – a key measure of system reliability and a crucial factor to consider. 


A provider that takes hardware and software cybersecurity seriously is more likely to protect you from hacks and data breaches. Look out for ISO 27001 certified hosts if you’re tough on data protection.


Cliffhangers may be a good way to end a story, but when it comes to your website, the last thing you want is to leave potential customers on the edge of their seat. The better your website performance, the quicker your web pages will load.


The more customisation your web hosting provider offers, the more you can tailor your website to your brand and improve the user experience. 


Providers who offer flexible upgrade options allow you to scale more easily as your website (and business) grows. 

Why email hosting?

Just like your website, your emails need a place to call home. By investing in email hosting, you can personalise your email with your domain, allowing you to securely send, receive, and store emails – all while staying true to your brand. While we’re on the topic, here’s a handful of other features to look out for… 

Spam filtering and security

Emails are a scammer's best friend. Find an email host that knows what they’re doing when it comes to spam filtering and virus protection. Your customers’ details depend on it!

Storage space

Hosting means more space, enabling you to store large amounts of important data from clients, customers and partners. Even better if it’s scalable, so your storage can flex to your business’ needs. 

Connect email addresses

If the idea of having sales and customer service queries in the same inbox makes you shiver then find a host that lets you have two addresses with the same domain. 

Email + web hosting = match made in heaven

With your domain, website, and email all working in sweet hosting harmony, the sky’s the limit for your online business. Your strong online identity will be supported by reliable, action-ready hosting that forms the foundation for growth and success.

Start by exploring how you can make the most of your hosting provider. For example, create satellite pages to improve your SEO and ping more traffic over to your main website. Or you could even dabble in reseller hosting to your clients and customers, harnessing your available capacity for a new revenue stream.

But for instant gratification, we recommend sourcing a reliable host that keeps your web and email hosting safe under one roof with a single control panel, like us!

Get online and grow online

Don’t wait to start making the most of your digital presence. By choosing Fasthosts as your go-to provider, you can easily monitor and manage your entire online presence without having to jump between different providers. 

We go above and beyond with 24/7 support, unlimited bandwidth, fully scalable options, and a friendly team that’s ready to help your business blossom. So, give us a call on 0800 0612 153, and we’ll show you how to get online in a fraction of the time.