5 ways to heat up your email marketing for summer

Email marketing in summertime is a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the warmer weather and longer days means your customers are more likely to make a purchase. But on the flipside, people are typically not as generous with their screen time.

The solution? Turn up the heat on your email marketing, so your consumers can’t help but pay attention!

Sizzling subject lines

According to Experian, the open rate of emails with emojis in the subject line is 56% higher compared to those without, so don’t hesitate to throw a summery themed one in.

Just don’t overdo it, otherwise your only summer destination will be the spam folder. Aside from emojis, keep your word length below 10 to increase open rates and ensure the key information is in the first few words for maximum mobile readability.

Surf the calendar

Annual celebrations and national days are rife in summer – a great opportunity to align your email marketing and boost conversions. Our advice? Make sure your chosen theme has an authentic link to your brand.

Tagging onto awareness days that don’t relate can come across as disingenuous and potentially offensive – not to mention ineffective.

Here’s a few to get the cogs turning for 2024:

  • Pride Month (1st-30th June)
  • Euros (14th June-14th July)
  • Father’s Day (16th June)
  • Wimbledon (1st-14th July)
  • The Olympics (26th July-14th August)
  • Bank Holiday weekend (24th-26th August)

Warm tone and design 

Besides the odd few who actually like cold, wet weather (hey, who let Edward Cullen in here?) there’s a collective mood lift that shifts into gear when the sun comes out and the temperature rises. And when you tap into this, you might just receive a conversion back. 

Think vibrant colour palettes, exciting copy with an outdoorsy undertone, and bright imagery to reinforce that laid back, free-spirited mood – placing your products/service front and centre from the off!

Themed promotions & discounts

Pick a theme, any theme! The UK public are predictable in summer if nothing else, so this shouldn’t be too tricky. BBQs, holidays, beaches, pools, outdoor sports, festivals, summer reading, gardening, family fun… the list genuinely goes on and on. 

Match a theme with your most relevant products and go in all, water-guns blazing. And if you can manage it, push it further with a summer competition or discount.

Remember best practices 

Ultimately, don’t forget the fundamentals. For example, you may want to consider changing a mobile-friendly format to a mobile-first format, given that a lot of people will be out and about when opening your emails. 

Analyse and measure your summer campaign from start to finish to ensure you adapt and evolve with your audience as the season progresses. Oh, and don’t forget to choose an email host with the most and send the right message with your email domain.

Bring on Fasthosts for summer and beyond

Our Email Hosting packages will give your business that professional edge, advanced security and generous storage – all year round. We’ll power multiple email addresses from our secure, sustainable data centres – complete with 24/7 support to get you the expert help should you need it.

Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out more.