Get online – set up your new domain in 1, 2, 3

So, you’ve secured that shiny new domain name – congrats! But don’t let it sit there gathering dust – this is only the first step in establishing your unique online identity. But let’s face it, anyone and their dog can get a domain. It’s what you do next that determines whether you can protect, nurture and make the most of it. 

So don’t be just anyone. Be someone who sets up their domain and business for success by ticking off these essential steps. 

What’s in a name?

If you’ve already bought your domain then you can skip this step. But choosing the right name and extension is vital to good brand-building, so be sure to follow these best practices:

  1. Brand – This helps your audience quickly identify who you are and what you do. Plus, it boosts your visibility through SEO.
  2. Size matters – Excluding the ‘www.’ and extension, your character limit is 63. But don’t max out for the sake of it – shorter domains are more memorable.
  3. Keep it simple – Numbers, complex wording and special characters can make it hard for your audience to spell out and remember your domain name.
  4. Pick a suitable extension – Each one plays a different role, so do your homework on which suits your business best. 

If you’re having second thoughts on your domain name after purchase, then unfortunately there’s no magic wand to change it. Better to start all over again before your current name gets traction!

Protect and renew

When you register your brand-new domain, you’ll be asked to provide various personal details, such as your full name, telephone number, physical address, and email address. Same as every signup, right? Not quite. This information now becomes publicly accessible, so it’s up to you to change that where necessary.

Most domain registrars offer privacy protection, which swaps out your personal information with generic data from the registrar. Not only will this reduce a tidal wave of spam washing up in your inbox, it’ll also shield you from malicious cyber threats, like identity fraud. Check with your provider to ensure your details are safeguarded.

And don’t forget the magic word – renew! Find out your renewal date and get it on your calendar, pronto. Or you can save the hassle by selecting ‘automatic renewal’ if it’s available. Just remember to update your payment details to prevent any nasty surprises.

Optimise your site

Now onto the nitty gritty – the ‘what happens next?’ Once you’ve successfully set up your domain, don’t let it go to waste.

Optimising your website and powering it properly is key to getting seen online and respected by your audience. You’ll rank higher on the search engine results page (or SERP) by investing in your SEO strategy, and benefit from amazing performance by choosing the right web hosting solution. Don’t worry, our Online Marketing Suite makes this even easier.

Get online quick, with Fasthosts

Did you know that typically, after registering a business, it takes about 3 months to actually get online? That’s a quarter of your online revenue down the drain! Thankfully, we’re here to speed things up. 

Our comprehensive hosting solutions, from Windows to VPS and beyond, keep your site running smoothly and securely with exceptional uptime guaranteed. What’s more, we offer email hosting and unlimited subdomains, making it ridiculously easy for you to add new sections to your website – like a blog or ecommerce shop.

Got questions? Our expert team’s got answers, 24/7. Dive into your new domain and get in touch today – give us a call on 0800 0612 153 or message us via live chat.